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AIM Connects

Minds, Hearts & Ministries

"two are better than one - a three-fold cord cannot be broken"

A family of ministers, drawn together by our Lord
from different nations, congregations, and people-groups,
building teams for the work of the kingdom.


Apostolic Company

The AIM Apostolic Company is composed of ministry peers, each one moves in considerable extra local ministry, serving as apostles, prophets, teachers and evangelists (Ephesians 4:11).

Credentialed Ministers

From a variety of backgrounds, taking AIM Credentials marks a minister's commitment to walk personally and strategically with others in the AIM family, believing that dynamic unity is the key to God's "commanded blessing". (Psalm 133:3)

Audio Messages

AIM leaders speaking at retreats and conferences around the world.

  • English Messages
  • Audio Mensajes en Español

Donations & Payments

Alliance International Ministries is a faith based ministry serving leaders around the world. We are able to obey the call of God because of the faithful support of churches and friends that have been moved by His Spirit.