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beyond tellerrand 2013

Thank you all for a great beyond tellerrand 2013!

It was such a great pleasure to have you all at beyond tellerrand 2013. A sold out house with only lovely people. All videos are up in our Vimeo channel. Coverage from everybody as well as all slides are collected on our Lanyrd page. But don't miss to watch our little "beyond tellerrand – web" recap on Vimeo.

Don't want to wait until Mai 2014 to visit another highly inspirational event? Check out our "PLAY & MAKE" event in November. Covering a lot of great topics on technology and design.

Stay up to date!

Sure: You can get all the news about the event on this website. But why let the news come to you? Follow us on twitter or search for the hashtag #btconf to get the very latest beyond tellerrand news in your twitter app.

Don't like twitter, but still want to get the latest word as new speakers are added to the list and changes are made to the schedule? Sign up for our newsletter.

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