Over 10 Million Downloads

The most popular gallery plugin ever for WordPress.
Enjoy fully responsive design, over a dozen display styles, a stunning full screen
lightbox, commenting and social sharing for images, ecommerce, and more.

NextGEN Plus (Displays Only)  NextGEN Pro (Displays + Ecommerce)

Stunning Responsive Galleries


All NextGEN Galleries, including free and Pro, are fully responsive and optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. Especially nice on our Masonry Galleries or our full screen responsive Pro Lightbox.

“NextGEN Gallery is so popular for a reason. It’s so easy to use and has loads of different functions that make your life easier. I love that you can upload a zip file containing your images, I love the intergration with the uploader, I love how easy it is to insert galleries.... Great stuff!”

“NextGEN does perfectly what so many other photo gallery plugins try to do but always fall short. It delivers a very robust system for the management, categorization and display of your photos.”
Nicasio Design

“When it comes to displaying my professional images on my blog, my choice is simple with NextGEN.”
Colby Brown

Pricing & Options

We're celebrating the launch of NextGEN Pro Ecommerce by offering 20% off NextGEN Pro!
Pro/Plus payments recur annually.Your initial payment gives you lifetime rights to use the current version of NextGEN Pro. You can cancel anytime and continue to use the plugin forever. Annual renewals provide ongoing access to updates and support. If you cancel, you’ll lose support and updates when your membership expires.