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Sam Trenholme's webpage

My little corner of the internet

Hello, my name is Sam Trenholme and I am a software and web developer. I enjoy using technology to solve real-world problems. In my current gig, I have been working on the design, PHP, and database back end for a web site; before that I was working on the Python server backend for a commercial web application. Details are in my rГ©sumГ©.

I am flexible with the technology I work with and do not believe in buzzwords; as a skilled software developer I quickly adapt to new technologies as new sources of revenue. That said, some technologies I have worked with recently are Javascript, DOM, Ajax, jQuery, JSON, XML, CSS, HTML, PHP, Perl, Python, Linux, Windows 7, OS virtualization, UNIX shell scripting, C, Apache, nginx, FastCGI, cloud computing, and so on.

I have done a number of open source projects over the years, and use a lot of open source in my work, but my focus now is on professional software development.

Information on this site's copyrights is here. There is also a list of supported web browsers.
