Gravity Forms allows you to quickly and easily integrate with a variety of third party services such as PayPal and provides for even deeper integration with WordPress through our collection of optional Add-Ons. Hot stuff!
Build and publish your WordPress forms in just minutes. No drudgery, just quick and easy form-building. Select your fields, configure your options and easily embed forms on your WordPress powered site using the built-in tools. That's way more satisfying (and less fattening) than a peanutty candy bar any day.
Building simple and complex forms alike is a piece of cake with the easy to use form editor.
Make long forms easier to use by breaking them up into multiple pages, complete with progress bar.
Sure, we know how to use Photoshop. Yes, shiny buttons and super-sized icons are hip but they just don't have a place in a WordPress plugin interface. We've spent a lot of time making sure that the Gravity Forms UI is intuitive, is easy to use and feels just like a part of the WordPress core. Hey, less is more right? Also, if you're a developer, we know the last thing you want to do is train your client on a completely new application interface. Gravity Forms blends in seamlessly so that's never an issue.
Some of the biggest names in the WordPress premium theme scene are also some of the biggest Gravity Forms fans. They've optimized their themes for Gravity Forms users by adding custom, theme-matched styles. It doesn't get much easier than that.