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GWJ Magazine Volume 2!

GWJ Magazine Volume 2 launched!

Too Long; Didn't Play: Daikatana

What happens when a man hopped up on cold medicine attempts to play John Romero's Masterpiece? Let's find out!
Analysis Paralysis
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

Gratuitously Functional Gore

Sometimes even blood and guts can make for an effective game mechanic.
Palimpsest Express
Is it my turn yet?

Watch and Learn

Three stories about gaming without a controller.
Conference Call
Gamers With Jobs Conference Call

GWJ Conference Call Episode 412

Episode 412 - September 3rd, 2014 The Crew, Diablo III Patch, Xenoblade Chronicles, World of Warcraft, Harvest Moon, The State of The Indust...

Thanks to your donations in the 2013 donation drive we have once again brought some excellent writers together to do a brand new magazine! Great articles, an amazing cover by our own Kristin Sands and original comics by the ineffable Sway.

Thanks so much for all the support! Enjoy the magazine.

Episode 412 - September 3rd, 2014
The Crew, Diablo III Patch, Xenoblade Chronicles, World of Warcraft, Harvest Moon, The State of The Industry, Your Emails and More!

Right Click Here and 'Save As' to Download!
(An Exasperated 42.8 MBs, 1:07:15)

This week Sean Sands, Shawn Andrich and Kate Craig tackle the state of the game industry.

Nothing throws me off my game like a Monday holiday.

Hey, did you know that The Sims 4 releases this week for the PC? No? Neither did I! Where did that thing come from?

With initial impressions in the forum and here and there online being generally positive, I find myself wondering if EA is still stinging from the release of Sim City. Their full court press on promoting that game only made it that much more visible when things went south. At this point, I almost think The Sims fanbase is so solidified and fixed that there might have been no point to making a big push about the launch of the game. Get the addicts in and primed for $50 expansion packs.

Cynical, I know, but I'm also not giving it my Game of the Week.

No, that honor goes to Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair for the Vita. This text heavy, exposition-rich, puzzle/mystery game is the follow up to 2010's Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, and features a psychotic teddy-bear-thing that has trapped a class full of kids on a prison-island to solve a series of murders. If you solve the murder, then the villain is punished, but if the murderer gets away with it he/she goes free and everyone else is punished. I think punished means killed for the purposes of this game.

Early reviews are generally positive, with the sense that the game succeeds despite some localization issues (the game was released in Japan last October).

I know it's a little obvious that I'd select this game. Sorry.

Grand Escalator, PAX Prime 2014

PAXPrime 2014 is off and running!

Monday, 1pm

From my own multiplayer adventures on Pandora, I knew my own Peter-Parker type "nxnwinaad" is just as good with a Hyperion Conference Call as she is with a camera. She attended the Inside Gearbox panel at 10:30am Sunday. The proceedings were all available on Twitch, but she got right down in the 2nd row and got to try out the demo. She came back with this to say:

So... You want to hear a story, eh? One about treasure hunters? Haha, have I got a story for you!

As the story of the other properties is framed as Marcus telling a child a story, Borderlands: The PreSequel is told in series of flashbacks by Athena, post-Borderlands 2. Along with the main story it provides a glimpse of what the characters from Borderlands are up to.

The storytelling device also gives us a frame for the later playthoughs in True Vault Hunter Mode. Essentially, when Athena is done telling the story, Tiny Tina shows up and is bummed she missed the whole thing. She demands Athena tell it again, but make it sound more difficult. You are then treated to Tiny Tina's color commentary throughout your second playthrough.

Demonstrably good!
I got to try the demo on the expo floor on Friday. The main action of the game takes place on Pandora's moon, Elpis. This isn't just a pretty place.

No atmosphere means you have to continuously gather oxygen, which is a mechanic that didn't irk too badly at the time but might become more annoying when playing for longer.The demo has had a hideous line all weekend, but it's very worth it (depending on your priorities) and you get a kickass shirt at the end. It was on a console, though, which was difficult to master as I've only ever played on PC.

I played as Nisha, the Lawbringer at a high level (41). The panelists said that, while Handsome Jack starts out trying to do good and is corrupted as the game goes on, Nisha was apparently born with horns and it was only downhill from there. Her action skill is essentially aimbot-ing for a limited amount of time, which was great because I seriously could not reliably use the controller to point where I wanted. It's an acquired skill, presumably.

The four classes the game will ship with are Athena (the Gladiator), Wilhelm (the Enforcer), Nisha (the Lawbringer), and Claptrap (the Fragtrap). In the panel, they talked about Claptrap's action skill, which they came up with by thinking about buggy software uploaded to hardware that really can't support it. When his action skill is activated, he analyzes the sitaution and deploys whatever his software decides is appropriate. This can have...intersting results. For example, one of the possibilities is a mini-bot that runs around launching missiles. However, another possibility is a rubber ducky floatie, a la anklebiters in the swimming pool. This makes him excessively bouncy. Even better, his action skills usually affect the entire team in multiplayer, so extreme bounciness for everybody! I mean, did you expect strighforward helpfulness from Claptrap, of all people? In low gravity, this can actually be quite helpful (we are assured.)

It also seems that Handsome Jack will be available as DLC character later. However, you do missions with Handsome Jack in the main story, and he's one of the main NPC protagonists! So, that answer to them really wanting Handsome Jack as a playable character is to have you actually play as his bodyguard, who is functionally indistinguishable in every way. He looks the same, has the same voice, the same abilities, everything. No mention of who the sixth DLC character might be, though they did talk about eventually having six total playable characters. (Someone in the audience shouted "Butt Stallion!" I don't think the panelists heard, though.)

More fun on the way

Tales from the Borderlands (coming out this fall, by Telltale Games) was developed at the same time as the Pre-Sequel and there was a great deal of collaboration while the two games were in development. You will be able to unlock content in the Pre-Sequel by playing through Tales from the Borderlands, and there mutually referential plot hooks scattered throughout. Tales from the Borderlands takes place after Borderlands 2, and follows two entirely new characters. There is about thirty minutes of playable game in their booth on the Expo Floor, but I haven't been able to make it down there yet.

Gearbox also talked about their remastering of Homefront, and waxed somewhat philosophic about the importance of the game to the gaming industry. Originally they planned only on porting the game to digital platforms, but then: yak shaving. They updated the textures and environments, remastered the sound, and got all the original voice actors back together to rerecord the audio. At this point, they have replaced the entire renderer. (They got a little carried away.) The "before" and "after" clips looked fantastic. No solid release date for that was mentioned.

Later, they spoke about Battleborne and played the trailer. The trailer looked quite impressive, but I'm not totally sold on it. It will be a first-person shooter with the leveling RPG elements seen in the Borderlands series. There will be a wide array of characters available to choose from (nine were shown, out of at least 36) with different specialties and abilities. The concept of the game is that in the distant future, all of the stars but one have gone out. All of the spacefaring races have fled their home systems to cluster around this star, and there are factions who have different opinions about how to handle the potential end of the universe. The Battleborne are the ones who fight it out between the factions. The characters can be leveled up to their most powerful form in about half an hour, and it is unclear what happens after that. The aesthetic looks somewhat like League of Legends.

Randy did the ice bucket challenge onstage, and they announced a drawing for people who provide proof of donation to ALS research to the Gearbox crew. The prize is a thousand-dollar Nvidia graphics card. Follow the Gearbox Twitter for details!

Monday, 11am
Things are going strong here for the last day of the con. There are two guys running around dressed as the PAXcops (a la AXECOP), giving out citations for heinous crimes like "wearing pants" and "unlawful consumption of dihydrogen monoxide". There are separate forms for attendees and Enforcers.

They asked me to tell Certis they're citing him in absentia for being "too Canadian". ;)

Sponsored by: Danopian

Play Time (official Steam log): 98 minutes

TL;DR Review

Superfly Johnson appears to have crushed his skull in a door. You fail at life.

Full Review

Author's note: I'm writing this under the influence of cold medicine, which some might argue is the best possible way to review Daikatana. Please bear with me.

UPDATE: Server Info Right Here!

Password is stan.

Want to chat with voice? Hit the Ventrillo Page for info.

FEAR remains a surprisingly popular multiplayer shooter in the long years since its release. Thanks to Psoplayer's support of the 2013 donation drive we're going to have a game night this Friday! Server info will be posted on the front page as we get closer to game time. We'll start 7PM CST and play until our old, atrophied reflexes finally give out.

The best part? It's totally free! Hit the FEAR Combat Community site to get a CD key and download the game files. See you on Friday!

Episode 411 - August 27th, 2014
Kerbal Space Program Update, EU IV, Distant Worlds, Shadowgate, Five Nights at Freddy's, Genre Resurgences With Community Guest Tboon!, Your Emails and More!

Right Click Here and 'Save As' to Download!
(A Tboony 38.5 MBs, 1:07:15)

This week community podcast supporter Tboon joins us on the show!

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

There are some conversational topics I've just given up on when it comes to my parents or grandparents. One of them is on the topic of gore and whether it is "necessary" or not. Their stance is that film-makers rely on blood and violence too much — that it's only there for horrible people to gain any thrill out of. The notion that a filmmaker wants to show someone in agonizing pain for the sake of making the viewer uncomfortable is foreign to them. They don't understand why you'd do such a thing.

On the surface, a lot of games are the same way. Does a head really need to pop like a melon once you've shot it in the head? Do the monsters in Doom really need to split open and reveal their bones and innards to the player? One could certainly assert that, due to the nature of blood and violence in many games, that developers haven't exactly outgrown their inner thirteen-year-old's fascination with the things their parents forbade them from seeing at a young age.

To an outside observer, the incredible backlash that Team Ninja received for removing dismemberment in Ninja Gaiden 3 would just be proof that game players are all a bunch of sick, disturbed man-children. However, not all things gratuitous need be meaningless, and to many fans of Ninja Gaiden 2 the disappointment was more about the simplification of the combat system.

The release list for this final week of August heralds the unofficial end of the summer gaming slump in the form of one of gaming's longest-running franchises.

Another year, another edition of the John Madden-less Madden football. For context on the age of this franchise, understand that the first edition of the game came out the summer before I started high school. I'm 41 now.

Every year the release of Madden is a test of gullibility and will for me. If I were to roll a D20 to pass a Madden check, I'd only have around a 10 in Madden resist БЂ” meaning it's basically a coin flip.

Madden aside, The Walking Dead's second season comes to a close this week with Episode 5: No Going Back. Super Time Force, previously only available on the Xbox One, hits the PC with a Steam Ultra edition that includes characters from Team Fortress 2. The Metro series goes "redux" on PC, Xbox One and PS4, and the 3DS offers up the franchise-colliding Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.

Plenty of good stuff to warm up the coming fall season of gaming.

Alien vs. Predator 1999

Sponsored by: Ccesarano

Play Time (official Steam log): 67 minutes

БЂ«I ain't got time to bleedБЂ« review

Three species, three campaigns, uncounted ways to get minced.

БЂ«Stop yer grinnin' and drop yer linenБЂ« review

I have a long history with the Aliens Versus Predator series. Not just the games, but the books and comics too. I even made myself a Predator action figure out of old, broken toys.

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