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  • First .cymru and .wales websites go live in digital milestone for Wales

    30 September 2014
    Today, the first .cymru and .wales websites will go live when WalesÁ€™ First Minister and the National AssemblyÁ€™s Presiding Officer officially switch over the first tranche of websites to their new internet domains, marking a historic day in WalesÁ€™ digital history.
  • Email to .uk rights holders

    16 September 2014
    We are currently emailing registrants of UK domains (.co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk, etc.) that have been granted the right to the short .uk equivalent of their current domain under ourá 5-year reservation mechanism.Received an email about your .uk domain?WeÁ€™re emailing to let eligible registrants know that:
  • .cymru and .wales now open for the first phase of applications

    29 August 2014
    Businesses that have already registered their trade marks with ICANNÁ€™s Trademark Clearing House can now apply to secure their new .cymru and .wales domains. This Sunrise phase that starts today prioritises and secures trade mark rights, provided there are no duplications in these applications which would then need to go onto a tie-break and possible auction process.
  • Nominet takes another step to increase the security of the UK namespace

    29 August 2014
    Nominet is boosting the security of the UK namespace to help protect it from attack and exploitation. As part of this, weÁ€™ll be offering two-factor authentication access to our Online Services (OS) to registrars later on this year. Two-factor authentication is a two-step verification process and provides an extra layer of security to users accessing online systems.
  • 2013 in UK web domain disputes

    28 August 2014
    674 complaints handled and á¸6.55m in legal costs saved by NominetÁ€™s award-winning Dispute Resolution Service in 2013.

What's on

  • Story of the web

    Celebrating 25 years of the web, visit our timeline featuring defining moments of its success -á http://www.storyoftheweb.org.uk/
  • Nominet Social Media

    Keep up-to-date with all of Nominet's products and services on social media.
  • The Social Age

    NominetÁ€™s internet advice site, knowthenet.org.uk has launched Á€˜The Social AgeÁ€™ to help parents keep up as our study shows children are trying social media at 9 years old.
  • Knowthenet

    A new look for our Knowthenet website! More tips and advice on how to stay safe, legal and informed on the internet.
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