: 12.09.2014. 16:06.





4 Jan 2014
January 2014
Arcade Gear is currently undergoing a major re-design, but if you are interested in ordering anything you see on the site, then please mail us at the usual address:

and we'll get back to you as soon as we can with condition / availability / price details!

Special Features

26 Sep 2013
Persona 4 The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold
փփւփ4 ւփւփփւփփււ ւփփփւփփփււփփփփ

ARCADE - Atlus have just announced a sequel to Persona 4 Ultimate (2012)
featuring 3 new characters (Takeba Yukari, Iori Junpei & Minazuki Sho).
Slated for a Winter 2013 release - but following Atlus' recent bankruptcy
and acquisition by Sega Sammy, it's not clear whether it will appear on
Taito's NESiCAxLive or Sega's ALL.Net P-ras MULTI network.

Official movie
Official site
30 May 2013
DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou

XB360 - The Xbox 360 version of DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou (2012) is here,
billed as the 'final' chapter of Cave's landmark DonPachi series.

Available in Standard, Limited and Super Limited editions!
28 Mar 2013
Cave Shooting Collection
ււփ ւփփփւփււփււփփ

XB360 - The all-inclusive Cave Shooting Collection is finally out!
Bundles all 10 Cave Xbox 360 releases in 2 multi-disc sleeves:
Deathsmiles (23 Apr 2009) Deathsmiles IIX (27 May 2010)
Mushihime-Sama (24 May 2012) Mushihime-Sama Futari ver1.5 (26 Nov 2009)
DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu ver1.5 (25 Nov 2010) DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (3 Feb 2011)
Espgaluda II Black Label (25 Feb 2010) Muchi Muchi Pork! & Pink Sweets
(24 Feb 2011)
Akai Katana Shin (26 May 2011) Guwange [Xbox Live] (28 July 2011)

Also includes an 'Install Disc' for all DLC content, 7 Official DVDs,
and a bonus 10-CD 'Soundtrack Collection' set.
22 Mar 2013
Biohazard Anniversary Package
փււփւփփ ւփփփւփփփփւփւ

PS3 - To celebrate the 17th Anniversary of their Biohazard Series
Capcom have just released the Biohazard Anniversary Package - a deluxe
box set compiling the complete collection for the PlayStation! Includes:
- Download card for the PS1 Store versions of Biohazard 1, 2 and 3
- PS3 Biohazard Revival Selection (Code: Veronica & Biohazard 4)
- PS3 Biohazard 5 Alternate Edition & PS3 Biohazard 6.
14 Mar 2013
Vampire Resurrection
փւփփււ փւփււփփ

XB360 / PS3 - The Japanese editions of Vampire Resurrection are now in stock,
meanwhile in all other territories the game is released for digital download only.
Features both Vampire Hunter (1995) and Vampire Savior (1997), complete
with all the usual extras: online play, character trials, practice mode etc.
Also in stock is a new official Vampire Artworks art book.

Promo Video
Official Site
21 Feb 2013
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
փւփււ փււփւ փփփււփւ

PS3 - After an endless string of delays (and a change of developer),
Konami's Metal Gear Rising Revengeance (2013) is here for the PS3.
Available in 3 editions: 'Standard', 'Premium Package' and 'Konami Style'.
Also available are Vocal Tracks soundtrack and Operation Guide.

Official Site
Promo movie
19 Feb 2013
Capcom Arcade Cabinet -Retro Game Collection-
ւփւփ ւփւփփ ւփփփփփ -փփփւփփւփււփփ-

XBL / PSN - Capcom have just launched Capcom Arcade Cabinet,
an all-new retrospective to (eventually) feature 15 classic titles for download.
Additional titles will be released every 2 weeks over the next couple of months.
First off: Black Dragon (1987), 1943 (1987) and Hissatsu Buraiken (1987).

Official Site
14 Feb 2013
Ginga Force

XB360 - Following their successful Xbox 360 shooter Eschatos (7 Apr 2011)
indie developer Qute return with Ginga Force (2013), a vertical shooting game
with multiple 3D viewpoints and customizable weaponry. Worth a look!

Official Site:
Trailer movie:
13 Feb 2013
Model 2 Collection

XBL / PSN - The 'Model 2 Collection' Virtua Striker (1994) and Virtual On (1996)
are released today for download... but in JAPAN ONLY. Wtf is going on here?
You're going to need a JP account to get a taste of these two arcade milestones.
A shame: the original Virtua Striker (1994) was hugely popular in Europe,
and to this day remains unavailable at home in any shape or form.

Promo Video
Official Site
9 Feb 2013
Shooting Gameside Vol.6
ւփփփւփււփփււփ Vol.6

BOOK - Shooting Gameside Vol.6 celebrates the 25th Anniversary of
Namco's shooting game milestone Dragon Spirit (1987), and features
articles on Ginga Force (Xbox 360), DoDonPachi Maximum (iPad),
Super Chain Crusher Horizon (PC) and an interview with the winner of
the "Thunder Force V Perfect System High Score Contest 2012".

Official Site:
Feb 2013
Mario Kart Arcade GP DX
マリオカート アーケードグランプリ デラックス

ARCADE - Namco have just announced their 3rd Mario Kart arcade game,
entitled Mario Kart Arcade GP DX (2013). The game features underwater driving
and gliding, co-op 'Team Mode', online features & personal pictures.
The cabinet is to be previewed at the Amusement Expo 2013,
and is currently slated for release in "Summer 2013".
17 Dec 2012
Street Fighter Artworks Goku
ストリートファイター アートワークス 極

BOOK - We've just received our stock of Street Fighter Artworks Goku,
an expanded / updated re-issue of the 2009 'Street Fighter Artworks' featuring an
additional 100 pages of official art, interviews and information; including materials
from Super Street Fighter IV (2010) and Street Fighter X Tekken (2012).
Superbly presented, all-inclusive and highly recommended!
28 Nov 2012
Model 2 Collection

XBL / PSN - The first 3 releases of Sega's 'Model 2 Collection' are out today:
Virtua Fighter 2 (1994), Fighting Vipers (1995) and Sonic The Fighters (1996)
are perfectly replicated, and come complete with online play and bonus features!
Virtua Striker (1994) and Virtual On (1996) are due later this winter.

Promo Video
Official Site
28 Nov 2012
Initial D Arcade Stage 7 AA X (Cross)
ȠԖŭD ւփւփփւփփւ7 AA X (ւփւ)

ARCADE - The latest installment of Sega's Initial D Arcade Stage series
is out today on general arcade release, having been on test since May.
The game features a new 'tag' mode, a 'revival' course from Arcade Stage Ver.3,
'boost' system and more. Not to everybody's taste, but still a great racing game!

Official Site
21 Nov 2012
BlazBlue Chronophantasma
փփւփփփ ւփփփւփււփ

ARCADE - 'Phase III' of the BlazBlue series was released today for arcades.
Features re-drawn visuals, new stages / music, 2 returning characters
(Mu-12 and Nu-13) and 3 new characters (Bullet, Azrael and Amane Nishiki).
UPDATE - The game was patched to 'Ver1.01' on 20 Dec 2012.

Promo Video
BlazBlue Official Portal Site
24 Oct 2012 (XBL) 1 Nov 2012 (PSN)
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus
ւփփւււ ւււււ ւււփփււ փփւ

XBL / PSN - The latest build of Guilty Gear XX (2002) is now available!
UPDATE - A free patch has been announced for "Spring 2013
to include all the balance changes & extra characters of the recently
released arcade version Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus R (20 Sep 2012).

Promo Video
Guilty Gear XX Series Portal
4 Oct 2012 [PSN] 5 Oct 2012 [XBL]
Sonic Adventure 2 & Nights
ւփփււփփփփփփ2 & փւփ

XBL / PSN - Two classic Sonic Team games are released for download today:
Sonic Adventure 2 (2001) and the Sega Saturn masterpiece Nights (1996).
Both games come presented with high resolution visuals and bonus features.

Promo Video
Dreamcast Site Nights Site
27 Sep 2012
Dead or Alive 5
փփփ ււ ւփւփ5

XB360 / PS3 - Tecmo's much anticipated Dead or Alive 5 (2012) is here!
Look beyond the ninjas and tits - a clever 3D versus fighting game awaits,
full of strategy and flair. Hard to believe it's been 7 years since part 4...
Also available: Limited Edition, Hori Stick and Guide Books

Promo Video
Official Site
25 Sep 2012 (PSN) 26 Sep 2012 (XBL)
Marvel vs Capcom Origins
փփփփvsւփւփ ւփւփւ

XBL / PSN - Capcom USA's Marvel vs Capcom Origins is now available
for download; but curiously not in Japan (?). Package includes both
Marvel Super Heroes (1995) and Marvel vs Capcom (1998) complete with
8-player online lobbies, GGPO netcode, spectator mode and more.

Promo Video
20 Sep 2012
ւփփփփփ փփւ փփփ

ARCADE - Sega's answer to Taito's 'NESiCAxLive' was released today.
The 'RingEdge 2' based hardware launches with 3 games available:
Under Night In-Birth (Ecole / French Bread) [site]
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R (Arc System Works) [site]
Arcade Love (Triangle Service) [site]

Official Site
13 Sep 2012
Tekken Tag Tournament 2

XB360 / PS3 - One year to the day since the game's original arcade release,
Namco's hugely anticipated Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (2011) ships today!
Also available is the official Hori TTT2 joystick.

Promo Video
Tekken Official
21 (PSN) 22 (XBL) Aug 2012
JoJo no Kimy na Bken Mirai e no Isan HD Ver.
ւփւփցťŦցņș ԜԫցցȁÔ HD Ver.

XBL / PSN - Capcom have just re-issued Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (1998),
in a rather drab attempt to recoup their losses from the god-awful SFxT.
Available for over 10 years on PlayStation and Dreamcast, not much attention
has ever been paid to this game; and it's hard to see that changing in any way.

Promo Video
Official Site
26 July 2012
Real Arcade Pro 3 Premium VLX Diamond
փւփւփւփփPro.3 Premium VLX փւփ

PS3 - Hori have just released their latest luxury joystick for the PS3,
modeled after Taito's sky-blue 'Vewlix Diamond' arcade machines.
Available exclusively through, we've still got a few left.
Please contact for latest availability / price!
19 July 2012
Hoshi no Kirby 20 Shnen Special Collection
Ԙցւփփւ 20őŹւփւփփւփււփփ

Wii - Good old Kirby celebrates his 20th Anniversary with a really
nice 20th Anniversary Special Collection box set for the Wii.
Includes the first 6 games of the series together on one disc,
along with a bonus soundtrack CD and 'Kirby History' booklet.

Promo Video
Official Site
28 June 2012
Biohazard Chronicles HD Selection
փււփւփփ ւփփւփւ HDւփււփփ

PS3 - Capcom bring together the two Wii 'Chronicles' light gun games
Umbrella Chronicles (2007) and Darkside Chronicles (2010) for the PS3,
complete with enhanced HD visuals and PlayStation Move support.
Great news for those who might not have access to Nintendo's machine!
Also in stock is the official Scenario Capture Guide book.

Promo Video
Official Site
27 June 2012
Bare Knuckle Original Soundtrack
փւփփփւփ ւփւփփււփփփփփւ

SOUNDTRACK - To celebrate the Sega Ages Online Bare Knuckle pack,
here is a nice 4-CD soundtrack collection covering the entire series:
Bare Knuckle (1991), Bare Knuckle II (1992) and Bare Knuckle III (1994)
CD4 features an exclusive "Bare Knuckle - Legend Mix -"

Official Site
14 June 2012
Akai Katana Shin [Cave the Best]
Eschatos [Wonder Price]

յցň Ü [ււփփւփփւփ] ւււփւ

XB360 - Two excellent shooting re-issues were released today for the Xbox 360:
Akai Katana Shin [Cave the Best] and Eschatos [Wonder Price]
Another opportunity to snap up two of the finest shooting game
releases of these past few years. Recommended!
6 June 2012
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
փփփփփւււփ5 փււփփւփփփւփ

XBL / PSN - Stop your grinnin and drop your linen: Sega's extraordinary
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (2010) is finally here for home systems!
Arguably the finest and most technical 3D fighting game out there;
still available are the Masters Guide and Original Sound Track.

Promo Video
Official Site
31 May 2012
Shooting Gameside Vol.5
ւփփփւփււփփււփ Vol.5

BOOK - The 5th Shooting Gameside focuses on the Thunder Force series
and features articles on Dodonpachi Saidaioujou, Nano Assault, Sine Mora,
Gal Gun, House of the Dead Overkill and more.
160 pages, in Japanese.

Official Site
30 May 2012
Sega Ages Online

XBL / PSN - The Sega Ages Online series continues!
Golden Axe (1989) Golden Axe II (1991) Golden Axe III (1993)
Bare Knuckle (1991) Bare Knuckle II (1992) Bare Knuckle III (1994)
Available individually on PS Network or in 2 packs for Xbox Live Arcade.

Official Site
24 May 2012

XB360 - Cave revive their cult shooting game Mushihime-Sama (2004),
complete with 'Novice Mode' for beginners and 'Arrange Mode' for experts.
Available in 'Standard' and 'Limited' (inc. bonus soundtrack CD),
first prints include a code to download Mushihime-Sama HD ver.1.5

Promo Video
23 May 2012
Sega Ages Online

XBL / PSN - The Sega Ages Online series begins with 6 classic titles:
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (1986) The Super Shinobi (1989) Super Hang-On (1987)
Wonder Boy Monster Land (1987) Monster World III (1991) Monster World IV (1994)
Available individually on PSN and in 2 separate packs for XBL.

Official Site
27 Apr 2012
Street Fighter X Tekken Defeat at the Crossroad
ストリートファイター X 鉄拳 Defeat at the Crossroad

BOOK - The Arcadia Extra guide for Street Fighter X Tekken (2012) is here,
featuring complete character profiles, move lists and in-depth strategies
for Capcom's controversial (and rather mediocre) tag team fighting game.
A4 format, 272 pages (full colour)
26 Apr 2012
The King of Fighters XIII Climax
ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズXIII クライマックス

ARCADE - The 'Climax' update of The King of Fighters XIII (2010) includes
all the balance changes (and 5 bonus characters) of the home version.
A very welcome move from SNK, though they must face the fact that the game
is going nowhere fast unless they fix the home version's flawed netcode.

Promo Video
26 Apr 2012
Biohazard Operation Raccoon City
փււփւփփ ւփփփւփփփփւփփւփւ

XB360 / PS3 - The latest entry in the Biohazard series is a depressing affair.
With development duties outsourced to some random Canadian studio,
Operation Raccoon City ends up as just another Western-style shooter
featuring unpleasant characters, dull environments and military fetishism.
With Biohazard 6 due in October, this one is hard to recommend in any way.
Available for Xbox 360 and PS3 in 'Standard' and 'Limited' editions.
19 Apr 2012
The House of the Dead 4 / The House of the Dead III
ւփփււփւփփւփփփփ 4μւփփււփւփփւփփփփ 3

PSN - The House of the Dead 4 (2005) and The House of the Dead III (2002)
have just been released exclusively on the PlayStation Network,
complete with 'PlayStation Move' motion controller support.
Brilliant in every way, go for it blindfolded. Thank you Sega!

HOD4 promo video:
5 Apr 2012
Street Fighter X Tekken Artworks
ւփփփփփւււփ X ȉԋ ւփփփփււ

BOOK - A full month after the release of the game itself,
the official Street Fighter X Tekken (2012) art book is out today.
Features all of the in-house design work of Capcom's latest release.
Large A4 format, 192 pages (full colour)
18 Mar 2012
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Unlimited
鉄拳タッグトーナメント2 アンリミテッド

ARCADE - Previewed at the AOU 2012 show (17 Feb) the 'Unlimited' update
of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Sep 2011) is now on general arcade release.
Featuring 2-on-2, 1-on-1, 4-player tag team and Namco Data Card support,
this is Tekken at its very best, and a good foundation for the home version.

Promo video:
8 Mar 2012
Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D
メタルギアソリッド スネークイーター 3D

3DS - We got this in a few days ago, but forgot to update the front page:
Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D is out for the Nintendo 3DS,
available in 'Standard' and 'Premium Package' editions.
The Premium Package comes bundled with a 'Snake Skin' 3DS unit;
also available are the 'Accessory Set' and 'Official Guide Book'.

Promo video:
8 Mar 2012
Street Fighter X Tekken Master Guide
ストリートファイター X 鉄拳 マスターガイド

BOOK - As all heads turn toward Street Fighter X Tekken (2012),
here's the game's official guide book from Gemaga Books:
the Street Fighter X Tekken Master Guide features character profiles,
move lists and more in a glossy coffee table magazine format. Schweet.
8 Mar 2012
Street Fighter X Tekken
ւփփփփփւււփ X ȉԋ

XB360 / PS3 - The big day is here: Street Fighter X Tekken pits two of gaming's
most successful series against each other in an all-star tag team extravaganza!
The hype is over at last, time to see if there's any meat on the bone...
Available for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 4 different editions:
Standard, Collector's Package, Standard [e-Capcom], Collector's [e-Capcom]
1 Mar 2012
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver.2012
Kyoku no Sho - Arcadia Extra Vol.89

ւփփփւփփփփփւււփIV ւփւփփւփււփփ Ver.2012 ԥցԻ

BOOK - Vol.89 of the Arcadia Extra returns to the SF4 series with an in-depth
guide book for Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver.2012 (2011).
Features updated profiles and move lists for all 39 characters,
collision / hit box galleries, frame data and more. Essential!
23 Feb 2012
Under Defeat HD

XB360 / PS3 - G.rev's superb Under Defeat (2005) gets a welcome re-issue
given that the Dreamcast version is now worth a sheer fortune.
The Xbox 360 / PS3 Under Defeat HD features the original arcade game
and an all-new HD / widescreen 'Remix' game for your enjoyment.

Promo video:

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