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The New England Skeptical Society is a non-profit educational organization founded in 1996 to promote science and reason.


NeuroLogicaBlog is a daily blog authored by NESS president, Steven Novella, covering science, skepticism, neuroscience, and critical thinking.


Science-Based Medicine is a blog dedicated to issues of science and medicine and fearlessly tackles controversial topics in medicine. SBM features a long list of health care experts in a variety of fields.


The NESS Co-hosts, along with the New York City Skeptics, The NorthEast Conference on Science and Skepticism – NECSScon – an annual conference held in New York City. NECSS 2009 was held on September 12, 2009, NECSS 2010 on April 17. NECSS 2011 is an expanded event that will take place from April 9-10.


Please help support our promotion of science and reason by donating to the NESS