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VX Heavens

Library Collection Sources Engines Constructors Simulators Utilities Links Forum

Viruses don't harm, ignorance does!

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression;
this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference
and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through
any media and regardless of frontiers."

Article 19 of "Universal Declaration of Human Rights"

Welcome to VX Heavens! This site is dedicated to providing information about computer viruses (or virii, as some would prefer) to anyone who is interested in this topic.

This site contains a massive, continuously updated collection of magazines, virus samples, virus sources, polymorphic engines, virus generators, virus writing tutorials, articles, books, news archives etc. Even the viruses for the platforms you've never heard of. We also offer free hosting for virus authors and groups.

Some of you might reasonably say that it is illegal to offer such content on the net. Or that this information can be misused by "malicious people". I only want to ask that person: "Is ignorance a defence?"

webmaster@vx.netlux.orgGPG key

You can help us improve the site by uploading new stuff, making a donation, posting our link to your site, blog or forum, or leaving a comment. Thank you!

RSS Twitter Facebook What's new? (January 2011)
5  + LIB/EN: hh86 "EPO in C LUA DLLs"[GO]
5  + LIB/EN: hh86 "The DLIT EPO techinque"[GO]
5  + LIB/EN: SPTH "Code Mutations via Behaviour Analysis"[GO]
5  + LIB/EN: herm1t "Inversing a random numbers"[GO]
5  + LIB/EN: hh86 "BTX encryption"[GO]
5  + LIB/EN: hh86 "The true Export/Import business"[GO]
2  + DL/MAG: Virus Writing Bulletin #1[GO]
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