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Welcome to onBux . . .
We are an advertising system that connects advertisers to possible consumers.
As members, users begin to be paid to view advertisements provided by our sponsors, ensuring benefits to advertisers and you.
What you get as a member:
 Earn up to $0.02 (2 cents) per click.
 Earn up to $0.01 (1 cent) for every ad your referrals click.
 Instant Payment / Receiving System.
Advertise Here . . .
Advertising in onBux is very simple, efficient and can be done in just a minute.
We've several options for our advertisers, with a range of packages according to your needs. Each registered user's click will only be accounted once in 24 hours.
What's included:
 Packages with excellent indicator of Cost / Benefit.
 Multi Demographic Filter.
 Constantly Updated - Anti Cheat Protection.
onBux in 2011
"This month, onBux brings it's members more features as reward for their hard worky..."
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