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Sample ClustrMaps image Zoom to actual ClustrMaps world map Zoom to actual ClustrMaps world map Zoom to actual ClustrMaps world map Zoom to actual ClustrMaps world map Zoom to actual ClustrMaps world map Zoom to actual ClustrMaps Europe map


Do you know your audience? You will with ClustrMaps! Visitors don't need to click on anything: just viewing your page is sufficient. We provide (free) the HTML that gives you a tiny map, like the one on the left. When it loads, it increments a counter and shows the locations of all visitors to your page, cumulatively (even for huge numbers). Clicking on it zooms in to a big world map, and (optionally) lets you zoom in to the continents, as in the example above. For light users (under 2500 visitors daily) the service is free, forever, and stores cumulative totals up to millions of visitors. Paying users get extra features.