Это безопасная версия страницы http://wordpress.com, которая сохранена в кэш-память SafeWeber.ru Последнее обновление данных о странице было: 06.01.2011г. в 13:50.
In seconds, you’ll have a blog with amazing free features like…
Stats to obsess over
Our stats are designed to give you up-to-the-minute data about your visitors: how many there are, where they’re coming from, which posts are most popular, and which search engine terms are sending visitors to your blog.
Gorgeous themes
You can change the look of your blog with over 100 attractive themes ranging from professional to fun to crazy, and you can switch themes with one click.
Widgets galore
It’s easy to share Twitter posts, add Flickr photos, aid a SocialVibe cause, and do lots more without touching any code. Just drag and drop the widgets around, and instantly you can have fun stuff in your sidebar.