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lists.altlinux.org Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on lists.altlinux.org. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact mailman@lists.altlinux.org.

List Description
altlinux-announce-en ALT Linux release announces
altlinux-announce-ru Анонсы дистрибутивов ALT Linux
Antique [no description available]
backports ALT Linux backports discussions
Books ALT Linux Team free publishing project
Bran-users-en [no description available]
Commercial [no description available]
community ALT Linux Community general discussions
community-en ALT Linux users (in English only)
community-ua ALT Linux Ukrainian Community
Compatible [no description available]
conference Конференции, проводимые при участии ALT Linux
courses Почтовый ящик отдела образовательных проектов ALT Linux
Desktop ALT Linux Desktop development
Devel ALT Linux Team development discussions
devel-announce development-related announce list
Devel-branches [no description available]
devel-distro Distributions development
devel-en ALT Linux development discussions
devel-kernel ALT Linux kernel packages development
devel-newbies devel@ where you _can_ ask
devel-ports ALT Linux arch porting
docs ALT Linux documentation project
Enlightenment Обсуждение Enlightenment
fonts-devel Free fonts development
Freestate Государство и революция свободного софта
Gnome [no description available]
Hardware ALT Linux hardware support
Homeros Использование продуктов ALT Linux без зрительного контроля
Junior Обсуждение школьного дистрибутива Junior
kbd Linux console tools development discussion
Ltsp-server ALTSP users and developers list
mirror-admins altlinux.org mirrors administrators
Multimedia-devel [no description available]
Netfs Разработка системы отображения сетевой подсистемы в пространство пользователя
News Новости, проекты и события компании ALT Linux и ее партнеров.
office-server ALT Linux office server development
python-devel Обсуждение вопросов поддержки Python в ALT Linux
Ruby Ruby usage and development around it
Samba [no description available]
Security-team ALT Linux security team
Sisyphus ALT Linux Sisyphus discussions
Sisyphus-cybertalk ALT Linux Sisyphus cybertalk
Sisyphus-incominger ALT Linux Girar Builder robot reports
Skif [no description available]
smoke-room Культурный офтопик
Sysadmins ALT Linux sysadmins' discussion
Testers Тестирование дистрибутивов ALT Linux
Tomsk-conference http://freesoft-conf.tomsk.ru/
updates-cybertalk ALT Linux updates cybertalk
web-team ALT Linux Web resources team

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