BURROW FERRETRY specializes in breeding blackself, black sable and dark sable ferrets in various coat types.
Through our experience we can give for ferrets and their kits the best care we can offer and provide new ferret owners with the correct information.
We breed a few litters a year in which the character and health of the animals are overriding importance.
We always try to find the best genetically, lineage and health combination of parents. We are looking for best breeding ferrets all over Europe to get healthy and cleanest lines of color. Our puppies are leaving not only throughout Russia but also abroad. Many of our ferrets become BOB and BIS at the international ferret shows.
If you want to be kept informed, please subscribe to the RESERVATION LIST. Then you are first informed of our news about kits. Also, the people on the RESERVATION LIST, priority reservation with people not on the list.
In the spring of 2011 we expect again ferret kits.