Over the last 24 hours we have rolled out the newly redesigned StatCounter for everyone…
Sincere thanks to all our members who helped us beta test the new design over the last 9 months – your feedback, suggestions and comments have been invaluable.
We have tried very hard to maintain the broad structure of “old” StatCounter while incorporating lots of new options and features, along with general interface improvements. This means you should still be able to navigate StatCounter (pretty much) as you always have done, without the need to re-learn the system.
Things to check out….
Organize Projects
Switch between visits and pageloads on the Projects page
Improved Search Engine stats
Hourly Stats
Toggle between projects quickly when viewing your stats
Download a file of individual stats (e.g. keywords) by clicking the excel or CSV icons
Improved Screen Resolution stats
Inclusion of Search Ranking information (where available)
Date Range Selector and Compare Periods option
Improved Browser stats
Filter stats by country (or State or City or ISP)
URL Filter on Popular Pages
If there’s anything you can’t find or something you are puzzled about, leave a comment below OR discuss in the forum OR send us a message. We’ll do our best to reply as soon as we can.
We know, we know! That’s why we have made the new site slowly available and allowed an extended beta period of over 9 months. Change *can* be daunting initially… but please give the new design a chance! It’s full of frequently-requested new features and improvements which, judging by your feedback, most members are really excited about.
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
We’ve heard this comment a few times but we certainly don’t subscribe to it! Should we ditch electricity and go back to candles? Should we abandon cars in favour of a horse and cart? Should we scrap mobile phones and go back to landlines instead? As difficult as it can be, progress involves change! We have worked terribly hard to ensure that StatCounter reamins familiar to you while incorporating the many new changes to minimise any discomfort in switching to our new design.
“Will I always be able to access “old” StatCounter?”
Short answer – no. It’s not practical for us to support two separate systems in the long term. The old version of StatCounter will ultimately be phased out completely. That’s why we strongly recommend that you start using the new version of StatCounter as soon as possible – if there are things you don’t like or have trouble with, then we can look at fixing them up before the final changeover.
“I don’t like it!”
Well – we’re very sorry to hear that! There may be a bug which needs fixing OR we may need to consider an alternative option to suit your tastes. Please consider submitting detailed feedback so we can investigate things for you.
“Don’t you care about what your members think?!”
Of course we do… that’s exactly why we embarked on this redesign! That’s also why the new design of StatCounter is very different to the first iteration we started testing. We listened, we learned, we responded. Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try we just can’t make everyone happy all the time. Instead we have to aim to make the vast majority of people as happy as possible – and judging by the feedback we’re receiving – we’re on our way to meeting that goal.